Source code for aiodocker.swarm

from typing import Iterable, Mapping

from .utils import clean_map

[docs]class DockerSwarm(object): def __init__(self, docker) -> None: self.docker = docker
[docs] async def init( self, *, advertise_addr: str = None, listen_addr: str = "", force_new_cluster: bool = False, swarm_spec: Mapping = None, ) -> str: """ Initialize a new swarm. Args: ListenAddr: listen address used for inter-manager communication AdvertiseAddr: address advertised to other nodes. ForceNewCluster: Force creation of a new swarm. SwarmSpec: User modifiable swarm configuration. Returns: id of the swarm node """ data = { "AdvertiseAddr": advertise_addr, "ListenAddr": listen_addr, "ForceNewCluster": force_new_cluster, "Spec": swarm_spec, } response = await self.docker._query_json("swarm/init", method="POST", data=data) return response
[docs] async def inspect(self) -> Mapping: """ Inspect a swarm. Returns: Info about the swarm """ response = await self.docker._query_json("swarm", method="GET") return response
[docs] async def join( self, *, remote_addrs: Iterable[str], listen_addr: str = "", join_token: str, advertise_addr: str = None, data_path_addr: str = None, ) -> bool: """ Join a swarm. Args: listen_addr Used for inter-manager communication advertise_addr Externally reachable address advertised to other nodes. data_path_addr Address or interface to use for data path traffic. remote_addrs Addresses of manager nodes already participating in the swarm. join_token Secret token for joining this swarm. """ data = { "RemoteAddrs": list(remote_addrs), "JoinToken": join_token, "ListenAddr": listen_addr, "AdvertiseAddr": advertise_addr, "DataPathAddr": data_path_addr, } async with self.docker._query( "swarm/join", method="POST", data=clean_map(data) ): return True
[docs] async def leave(self, *, force: bool = False) -> bool: """ Leave a swarm. Args: force: force to leave the swarm even if the node is a master """ params = {"force": force} async with self.docker._query("swarm/leave", method="POST", params=params): return True