Source code for aiodocker.images

import io
import json
import warnings
from typing import (

from typing_extensions import Literal

from .jsonstream import json_stream_list, json_stream_stream
from .utils import clean_map, compose_auth_header

[docs]class DockerImages(object): def __init__(self, docker): self.docker = docker
[docs] async def list(self, **params) -> Mapping: """ List of images """ response = await self.docker._query_json("images/json", "GET", params=params) return response
[docs] async def inspect(self, name: str) -> Mapping: """ Return low-level information about an image Args: name: name of the image """ response = await self.docker._query_json("images/{name}/json".format(name=name)) return response
[docs] async def get(self, name: str) -> Mapping: warnings.warn( """images.get is deprecated and will be removed in the next release, please use images.inspect instead.""", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return await self.inspect(name)
[docs] async def history(self, name: str) -> Mapping: response = await self.docker._query_json( "images/{name}/history".format(name=name) ) return response
@overload async def pull( self, from_image: str, *, auth: Optional[Union[MutableMapping, str, bytes]] = None, tag: str = None, repo: str = None, stream: Literal[False] = False, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: pass @overload # noqa: F811 def pull( self, from_image: str, *, auth: Optional[Union[MutableMapping, str, bytes]] = None, tag: str = None, repo: str = None, stream: Literal[True], ) -> AsyncIterator[Dict[str, Any]]: pass
[docs] def pull( # noqa: F811 self, from_image: str, *, auth: Optional[Union[MutableMapping, str, bytes]] = None, tag: str = None, repo: str = None, stream: bool = False, ) -> Any: """ Similar to `docker pull`, pull an image locally Args: fromImage: name of the image to pull repo: repository name given to an image when it is imported tag: if empty when pulling an image all tags for the given image to be pulled auth: special {'auth': base64} pull private repo """ image = from_image # TODO: clean up params = {"fromImage": image} headers = {} if repo: params["repo"] = repo if tag: params["tag"] = tag if auth is not None: registry, has_registry_host, _ = image.partition("/") if not has_registry_host: raise ValueError( "Image should have registry host " "when auth information is provided" ) # TODO: assert registry == repo? headers["X-Registry-Auth"] = compose_auth_header(auth, registry) cm = self.docker._query("images/create", "POST", params=params, headers=headers) return self._handle_response(cm, stream)
def _handle_response(self, cm, stream): if stream: return self._handle_stream(cm) else: return self._handle_list(cm) async def _handle_stream(self, cm): async with cm as response: async for item in json_stream_stream(response): yield item async def _handle_list(self, cm): async with cm as response: return await json_stream_list(response) @overload async def push( self, name: str, *, auth: Union[MutableMapping, str, bytes] = None, tag: str = None, stream: Literal[False] = False, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: pass @overload # noqa: F811 def push( self, name: str, *, auth: Union[MutableMapping, str, bytes] = None, tag: str = None, stream: Literal[True], ) -> AsyncIterator[Dict[str, Any]]: pass
[docs] def push( # noqa: F811 self, name: str, *, auth: Union[MutableMapping, str, bytes] = None, tag: str = None, stream: bool = False, ) -> Any: params = {} headers = { # Anonymous push requires a dummy auth header. "X-Registry-Auth": "placeholder" } if tag: params["tag"] = tag if auth is not None: registry, has_registry_host, _ = name.partition("/") if not has_registry_host: raise ValueError( "Image should have registry host " "when auth information is provided" ) headers["X-Registry-Auth"] = compose_auth_header(auth, registry) cm = self.docker._query( "images/{name}/push".format(name=name), "POST", params=params, headers=headers, ) return self._handle_response(cm, stream)
[docs] async def tag(self, name: str, repo: str, *, tag: str = None) -> bool: """ Tag the given image so that it becomes part of a repository. Args: repo: the repository to tag in tag: the name for the new tag """ params = {"repo": repo} if tag: params["tag"] = tag async with self.docker._query( "images/{name}/tag".format(name=name), "POST", params=params, headers={"content-type": "application/json"}, ): return True
[docs] async def delete( self, name: str, *, force: bool = False, noprune: bool = False ) -> List: """ Remove an image along with any untagged parent images that were referenced by that image Args: name: name/id of the image to delete force: remove the image even if it is being used by stopped containers or has other tags noprune: don't delete untagged parent images Returns: List of deleted images """ params = {"force": force, "noprune": noprune} return await self.docker._query_json( "images/{name}".format(name=name), "DELETE", params=params )
@staticmethod async def _stream(fileobj: BinaryIO) -> AsyncIterator[bytes]: chunk = while chunk: yield chunk chunk = @overload async def build( self, *, remote: str = None, fileobj: BinaryIO = None, path_dockerfile: str = None, tag: str = None, quiet: bool = False, nocache: bool = False, buildargs: Mapping = None, pull: bool = False, rm: bool = True, forcerm: bool = False, labels: Mapping = None, stream: Literal[False] = False, encoding: str = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: pass @overload # noqa: F811 def build( self, *, remote: str = None, fileobj: BinaryIO = None, path_dockerfile: str = None, tag: str = None, quiet: bool = False, nocache: bool = False, buildargs: Mapping = None, pull: bool = False, rm: bool = True, forcerm: bool = False, labels: Mapping = None, stream: Literal[True], encoding: str = None, ) -> AsyncIterator[Dict[str, Any]]: pass
[docs] def build( # noqa: F811 self, *, remote: str = None, fileobj: BinaryIO = None, path_dockerfile: str = None, tag: str = None, quiet: bool = False, nocache: bool = False, buildargs: Mapping = None, pull: bool = False, rm: bool = True, forcerm: bool = False, labels: Mapping = None, stream: bool = False, encoding: str = None, ) -> Any: """ Build an image given a remote Dockerfile or a file object with a Dockerfile inside Args: path_dockerfile: path within the build context to the Dockerfile remote: a Git repository URI or HTTP/HTTPS context URI quiet: suppress verbose build output nocache: do not use the cache when building the image rm: remove intermediate containers after a successful build pull: downloads any updates to the FROM image in Dockerfiles encoding: set `Content-Encoding` for the file object your send forcerm: always remove intermediate containers, even upon failure labels: arbitrary key/value labels to set on the image fileobj: a tar archive compressed or not """ headers = {} params = { "t": tag, "rm": rm, "q": quiet, "pull": pull, "remote": remote, "nocache": nocache, "forcerm": forcerm, "dockerfile": path_dockerfile, } if remote is None and fileobj is None: raise ValueError("You need to specify either remote or fileobj") if fileobj and remote: raise ValueError("You cannot specify both fileobj and remote") if fileobj and not encoding: raise ValueError("You need to specify an encoding") data = None if fileobj: data = self._stream(fileobj) headers["content-type"] = "application/x-tar" if fileobj and encoding: headers["Content-Encoding"] = encoding if buildargs: params.update({"buildargs": json.dumps(buildargs)}) if labels: params.update({"labels": json.dumps(labels)}) cm = self.docker._query( "build", "POST", params=clean_map(params), headers=headers, data=data, ) return self._handle_response(cm, stream)
[docs] def export_image(self, name: str): """ Get a tarball of an image by name or id. Args: name: name/id of the image to be exported Returns: Streamreader of tarball image """ return _ExportCM( self.docker._query("images/{name}/get".format(name=name), "GET") )
[docs] def import_image(self, data, stream: bool = False): """ Import tarball of image to docker. Args: data: tarball data of image to be imported Returns: Tarball of the image """ headers = {"Content-Type": "application/x-tar"} cm = self.docker._query_chunked_post( "images/load", "POST", data=data, headers=headers ) return self._handle_response(cm, stream)
class _ExportCM: def __init__(self, cm): self._cm = cm async def __aenter__(self): resp = await self._cm.__aenter__() return resp.content async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): return await self._cm.__aexit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)