Source code for aiodocker.execs

import json
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, overload

import aiohttp
from typing_extensions import Literal
from yarl import URL

from .stream import Stream

    from .docker import Docker

# When a Tty is allocated for an "exec" operation, the stdout and stderr are streamed
# straight to the client.
# When a Tty is NOT allocated, then stdout and stderr are multiplexed using the format
# given at
# under the "Stream
# Format" heading. Note that that documentation is for "docker attach" but the format
# also applies to "docker exec."

[docs]class Exec: def __init__(self, docker: "Docker", id: str, tty: Optional[bool]) -> None: self.docker = docker self._id = id self._tty = tty @property def id(self) -> str: return self._id
[docs] async def inspect(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: ret = await self.docker._query_json(f"exec/{self._id}/json") self._tty = ret["ProcessConfig"]["tty"] return ret
[docs] async def resize(self, *, h: Optional[int] = None, w: Optional[int] = None) -> None: dct: Dict[str, int] = {} if h is not None: dct["h"] = h if w is not None: dct["w"] = w if not dct: return url = URL(f"exec/{self._id}/resize").with_query(dct) async with self.docker._query(url, method="POST") as resp: resp
@overload def start( self, *, timeout: aiohttp.ClientTimeout = None, detach: Literal[False] = False, ) -> Stream: pass @overload async def start( self, *, timeout: aiohttp.ClientTimeout = None, detach: Literal[True], ) -> bytes: pass
[docs] def start(self, *, timeout=None, detach=False): """ Start this exec instance. Args: timeout: The timeout in seconds for the request to start the exec instance. detach: Indicates whether we should detach from the command (like the `-d` option to `docker exec`). tty: Indicates whether a TTY should be allocated (like the `-t` option to `docker exec`). Returns: If `detach` is `True`, this method will return the result of the exec process as a binary string. If `detach` is False, an `aiohttp.ClientWebSocketResponse` will be returned. You can use it to send and receive data the same wa as the response of "ws_connect" of aiohttp. If `tty` is `False`, then the messages returned from `receive*` will have their `extra` attribute set to 1 if the data was from stdout or 2 if from stderr. """ if detach: return self._start_detached(timeout, self._tty) else: async def setup() -> Tuple[URL, bytes, bool]: if self._tty is None: await self.inspect() # should restore tty assert self._tty is not None return ( URL(f"exec/{self._id}/start"), json.dumps({"Detach": False, "Tty": self._tty}).encode("utf8"), self._tty, ) return Stream(self.docker, setup, timeout)
async def _start_detached( self, timeout: aiohttp.ClientTimeout = None, tty: bool = False, ) -> bytes: if self._tty is None: await self.inspect() # should restore tty assert self._tty is not None async with self.docker._query( f"exec/{self._id}/start", method="POST", headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, data=json.dumps({"Detach": True, "Tty": tty}), timeout=timeout, ) as response: result = await await response.release() return result